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Terms & Conditions

These conditions set out the terms of the contract between Bedford Removals And Storage and you (the customer) and explain your rights and obligations and responsibilities and those of Bedford Removals And Storage. These conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

1. Interpretation/Definitions

Any reference in these conditions to ‘we’ or ‘us’ is a reference to Bedford Removals And Storage.

Any reference in these conditions to ‘you’ is a reference to the customer.

2. Quotations

Quotations do not include customs duties or any other levies or fees payable to government or other statutory bodies and all such duties or fees (if any) will be payable by you in addition to the quoted price.

Although we quote a fixed price we reserve the right to amend it or make additional charges if of the following have not been taken in to account when preparing the quotation.

If due to delay on your part the work is not carried out or completed within three months of the quotation date.

Our costs increase as a result of currency fluctuations or changes in taxation or freight charges beyond our control.

We have to collect or deliver goods above first-floor level unless previously agreed.

We supply additional services.

There are delays outside our reasonable control.

Access to the collection and delivery point is inadequate or the approach is unsuitable for our vehicles.

Any unforeseen parking or other fees or charges that we have to incur and pay in order to carry out the services you require.

In all these circumstances you will be responsible for the extra charges.

Quotations do not include a removals insurance premium unless otherwise stated. The payment of the premium creates a separate contract between the Insurer and you, which is subject to the terms and conditions of the Insurer. A summary of the cover provided and any main exclusions from the cover is available on request.

Our quotation is not a guarantee that we have the vehicles available on the day you require. Accordingly, your signed acceptance of our quotation does not constitute a contract between us until you have confirmation that we can move your goods on your required date.

3. Work excluded from our quotations

Unless previously agreed in writing we will not:-

Enter loft spaces unless they are adequately boarded and lit.

Remove aerials or satellite-received dishes from external walls or roofs.

Remove or relay fitted floor coverings.

Move night storage heaters unless they are dismantled.

Move any plumbed or hardwired appliances unless previously agreed.

Move or store any items excluded under clause 4.

4. Excluded property

The following items are specifically excluded from this contract and will not be covered by our insurance (if taken):-

Jewellery, watches, trinkets, precious stones, money, deeds, securities, stamps, coins, keys or goods of a similar kind. These items should be moved by yourself separately and insured if required by your own policy.

Potentially dangerous, inflammable, damaging or explosive items. Including paints, oil-based products items containing compressed gases of any kind, liquid or solid fuels, compost, sand, Cement, soil, or medication of any kind. Please make other arrangements to move any of the above listed prior to us entering the collection or delivery points.

Goods likely to encourage vermin or other pests or to cause infection.

Refrigerated or frozen food or drink.

Any animals and their cages or tanks including pets, birds or fish.

If you submit any of the goods detailed above without our knowledge and prior written agreement we will not be liable for any loss or damage and you will indemnify us against any charges, expenses, damages or penalties claimed against us by third parties. In addition, we shall be entitled to dispose of (without notice) any such goods which are listed under clause 4.

5. Customer responsibilities

It is your sole responsibility to:-

Declare to us the proper value of the goods being removed and/or stored prior to work being started.

Obtain at your expense all documents necessary for the removal to be completed.

Ensure adequate parking (within 20 meters of the access door to removal vehicle) for our vehicles at collection and delivery points. Anything more than 20 meters may increase the removal price.

Be present yourself or appoint a representative at the collection and delivery points, to ensure that nothing is removed or left in error. If an extra journey is required to collect items which were left at the collect address in error an extra charge will be incurred.

Advise us of the time of access to your new premises. Any delays may increase the removal price.

Unless specified in writing, all packing boxes remain the property of this company and are on loan. If any packing boxes are retained for longer than 1 month or damaged by you, a charge of £4.00 per box will be made.

The following services are carried out at the customer’s request (unless specified in writing): unpacking of breakable items, dismantling and reassembling furniture and disconnecting and reconnecting kitchen appliances. These services will attract a separate charge.

It is the customer’s responsibility to declare all facts regarding the collection and delivery of items ie: size, the weight of item etc any parking problems and the floor that the item is on. If a booking is discovered to have been seriously mis-described ie: the item is on the first floor when the booking is for the ground floor, we reserve the right to withdraw from the booking or a separate charge will be levied. If we withdraw from the booking under these circumstances, no refund will be issued, the customer will be liable for 100% of the agreed price.

Where we are collecting an item/s from a seller it is our customer’s responsibility to ensure the seller is fully aware of our terms and conditions.

It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure their seller is present when we arrive to collect an item and that the item is in a suitable location for removal. Also that if the item requires dis-mantling, this has been carried out prior to our arrival. A charge will be levied for any delays caused under these circumstances. If we are unable to collect an item due to a seller not being present, no refund will be issued.

6. Ownership of the goods

By entering into this contract you confirm to us that:-

The goods to be removed are your own property; or

You have the authority of the owner of the property to make this contract in respect of the goods to be removed or stored.

You will be responsible to pay for any claim for damages and/or costs against either of the above if this proves to be untrue.

7. Postponements, cancellations and waiting charges

If you postpone or cancel this contract we may charge according to how much notice you provide prior to the agreed removal date:-

3-5 days: 50% of the total removal charges.

Less than 3 days: 100% of the total removal charges.

Our quotation is based upon us being able to begin unloading our vehicle before 2 pm (14:00 hrs) on the day of the move (unless otherwise specified in writing). If we are prevented from doing so for reasons beyond our control, waiting charges will become payable at a rate of £199.00 per hour.

Please note a £500.00 charge will be added if the removal date to, or from storage is changed. The deposit payment is confirmation of the booking. We must have the removal & storage charges paid in full before redelivery of goods.

8. Payment of removal charges

Payment is required, by cleared funds in advance for all bookings of £100 or less. Bookings of £100 or less are NOT confirmed until paid.

Bookings over £100 are subject to an initial deposit of 50%, or £100 whichever is greater, deposits are due at the time of booking. Balances due on bookings over £100 are due on completion and must be via cleared funds ie cash, bankers draft etc. Online payments for balances due will NOT be accepted unless paid in advance. Online payments one full working day in advance.

Interest at 10% per fourteen-day period is charged on all overdue accounts. Failure to comply with our payment terms will also mean that your goods are not insured.

9. Our liability for loss or damage

Insurance (if taken) does not include the first £800.00 of any claim.

In the event of our losing or damaging your goods, we will pay for the reasonable costs of the repair or replacement (less wear and tear) of the item if we have been negligent.

In the event of total or partial loss or damage to your goods, we will not be liable for the following:-

“New for old” replacement value for lost or damaged goods.

Any loss or damage which is not caused by us.

Any unforeseeable additional costs you might incur as a result of the loss of a particular item.

Where damaged items are part of a set, i.e. dinner services, furniture etc, our insurance will only cover the value of that piece. No responsibility will be taken for undamaged items, which form a part of the set.

We will only be responsible for items packed and unpacked by our staff using our own packing materials supplied by us. Items not packed or unpacked by our staff will not be insured.
We shall not be responsible for any loss or damage if there are other workmen at the collection or delivery addresses unless it is proved beyond reasonable doubt that our staff are to blame.
Unless the new external damage is visible, we will not be responsible for malfunction of electrical goods.

The following items are specifically excluded from our insurance and are carried at the customer’s risk all glass items including but not limited to, televisions, mirrors, glass tables, pictures, serving counters etc. Flat-pack furniture (assembled or disassembled). Food, drink, furs, jewellery, watches, precious metals and stones, deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, money or security for money. Any must be pointed out to our staff and noted before they leave the premises and confirmed in writing to us within five working days.

We reserve the right to make good any damage using our own repairers. If any item is damaged beyond economic repair that item will become our property and we reserve the right to replace it or offer the cost of replacement, subject to the insurance excess.

10. Delays in transit

We shall not be liable for delays due to weather conditions, mechanical failure, traffic congestion or occurrences outside our control.

11. Damage to premises

We shall only be liable for damage to premises caused by our negligence. Any damages to premises must be pointed out to our staff and noted before they leave the premises and confirmed in writing to us within 24 hrs.

If we cause damage as a result of moving goods under your express instruction, against our advice, and where to move the goods in the manner instructed would inevitably cause damage, we shall not accept that we were negligent.

12. Time limits for claims

We will not be liable for any loss or damage to any goods unless any claim for loss or damage is notified to us in writing within 24 hrs of delivery by us to their destination.

13. Our rights to withhold the goods (Lien)

We have a legal right to withhold or ultimately dispose of some or all of the goods until you have paid all our charges and other payments due under this contract. Any proceeds of disposal will be used to settle your account with us and any surplus monies will be returned to you. While we hold the goods and wait for payment you will be liable to pay all storage charges and other costs incurred as a result of our withholding your goods.

14. Sub-contracting

We reserve the right to sub-contract some or all of the work for which we have provided a quotation without reference to you. If we sub-contract these conditions will apply in full.

15. Route and method

We have the full right to choose the route for delivery. Unless it has been specifically agreed in writing, other space/volume/capacity on our vehicles and/or, the container may be utilised for consignments of other customers.

16. Storage services

The following terms in addition to all other terms set out in this document will apply to all contracts for the storage of goods:-

If you require storage facilities you are obliged to provide a forwarding address and notify us in writing if it changes. All correspondence and notices will be deemed to have been received by you seven days after posting it to the last forwarding address recorded by us.

It is your responsibility to provide an accurate and full inventory of goods stored. It will be accepted as accurate when we have checked and signed your original copy of the inventory.

All charges for storage services are payable in advance. Unless we agree otherwise, the first payment for storage should cover the first month of storage, thereafter you will be invoiced monthly. Any full months of unused prepaid storage will be refunded to you. All our charges including removal charges must be paid in full in cleared funds before any goods are released from storage.

We review storage charges annually. You will be given 28 (twenty-eight) days notice in writing of any increase following which our revised rates as notified will apply.

On giving you 28 (twenty-eight) days notice we are entitled to require you to remove your goods from our custody and pay all money due to us. If you fail to pay all outstanding debts due to us we are entitled to sell or dispose of some or all of the goods without further notice. The cost of the sale or disposal will be charged to you. The net proceeds will be credited to your account and any eventual surplus will be paid to you without interest.

If your payments are up to date we will not end this contract except by giving you three calendar months notice in writing. If you wish to terminate your storage contract you should give at least 14 (fourteen) days notice. If we can release the goods earlier we will do so, provided your account is up to date.

If you choose someone else to collect your goods from our storage facilities we will make a reasonable handling charge which must be paid in advance. Our responsibility for such goods will cease upon their being handed over to you or your chosen representative.



We, us, ourselves = Bedford Removals And Storage.

You, your, yourself = The client.

This is not a legally binding contract, but an outline of our Terms and Conditions relating to the House / Waste Clearance services that we provide and you the client.

Terms & Conditions

The business name of (Bedford Removals And Storage)

The services undertaken by (Bedford Removals And Storage) are described by the term House / Waste Clearance.

House / Waste Clearance is used to describe the following services, any combination of which may be used during the job in question;
Removal of all contents for disposal from the property and any other buildings or structures relating to the property.

Disposal whenever possible will mean recycling items form the property, donating to charity at our discretion and agreement or staff reuse. There are, however, instances where recycling and charity donations are not possible as local facilities do not exist or because certain items cannot be recycled or donated to charity.

The House / Waste Clearance may involve some items being broken up if they are too large, bulky or heavy for removal from the property in one piece, or in instances where removal in one piece may risk causing injury to staff or property. We (Bedford Removals And Storage) will always ask permission to break up any items for removal from the property and remove any debris left over from any item broken up where necessary and possible.

Ownership of any items removed from the property transfers to we (Bedford Removals And Storage) our company for disposal, charity donation, staff reuse or other means of recycling as we see fit. If we (Bedford Removals And Storage) find any valuables in the property we will hand over the valuables at all times.

During any telephone calls/emails and other correspondence prior to the House / Waste Clearance we (Bedford Removals And Storage) will need the following information from you (The Client);

The full address and postcode of the property requiring clearing and any contact details such as telephone number, email address etc.

The size of the property, including the number of bedrooms and reception rooms.

Details of any lofts, sheds, garages, or outbuildings to be cleared.

Details of any items of furniture or contents from the property which are large, heavy or unusual or may be hazardous.

Details of the type of House / Waste Clearance which can be classified as the following; Standard House / Waste Clearance, Cluttered House / Waste Clearance, Verminous House / Waste Clearance, Cluttered and Verminous House / Waste Clearance, Commercial Property Clearance, Hoarders’ House / Waste Clearance, Extreme House / Waste Clearance, Squalor House / Waste Clearance, Unattended Death or Undiscovered Death House / Waste Clearance which are all services as described on our website and services we (Bedford Removals And Storage) provide.

Details of parking and access to the property, and any other restrictions which may prevent (Bedford Removals And Storage) undertaking the House / Waste Clearance in our normal manner.

Based on the information given in part (4) by you (The Client) a fee will be quoted for the House / Waste Clearance. This fee will include the typical House / Waste Clearance service, and any other specific add-ons specifically discussed during the conversations and agreed with us (Bedford Removals And Storage) by you (The Client). We reserve the right to charge an additional fee for the removal of any items that were not explained to us prior to the quotation or undertaking of the House / Waste Clearance.

It is down to you (The Client) to provide us (Bedford Removals And Storage) with all of the necessary and relevant information pertaining to the House / Waste Clearance before we (Bedford Removals And Storage) “book” the House / Waste Clearance into our system or diary or prior to/and during the actual commencement of the House / Waste Clearance.

The House / Waste Clearance fee will typically include up to 1 tonnes of waste removal and disposal from the property. We (Bedford Removals And Storage) have found from experience that this weight covers the clearance of most average standard 2 bedroom properties. If it looks likely that there will be excess weight then we (Bedford Removals And Storage) will endeavour to bring this to your (The Client) attention at the start of the House / Waste Clearance, or as soon as it is recognisable.

If any of the information requested in part (4) concerning the House / Waste Clearance is omitted, misrepresented or withheld then we (Bedford Removals And Storage) reserve the right to charge an additional fee or fees. The fee quoted will be based mainly on the anticipated time to clear the property or items, the quantity and weight of items for removal and disposal and if any of the items are deemed hazardous to our staff or require specialist disposal. If any factor comes to light, not previously disclosed, which will increase the time taken to carry out the House / Waste Clearance, or will increase weight/volume of items requiring removal then a fee will be charged to cover these costs. As before, we (Bedford Removals And Storage) will endeavour to bring this to your (The Client) attention at the start of the House / Waste Clearance or as soon as it is recognisable.

Unless specifically instructed otherwise, all items will be removed from the property and disposed of as part of the House / Waste Clearance. Unless such items are described typically as fixtures and fittings (any item directly fitted to any wall).

Unless instructed otherwise, in a typical House / Waste Clearance, we (Bedford Removals And Storage) will leave the carpets and other fixtures and fittings. If you (The Client) require carpets to be uplifted or other fixtures and fittings, please agree this in the conversations/correspondence prior to the quotation and agreement of the House / Waste Clearance or prior to the undertaking of the clearance. On occasion we (Bedford Removals And Storage) may suggest uplifting carpets, underlay or other fixtures and fittings if they are in a particularly poor or dirty condition. We (Bedford Removals And Storage) would do so on the belief that such removal will assist the sale/let of the property, or from previous experience that Housing Associations and Local Council Authorities will charge you (The Client) a fee for the uplift, removal and disposal of said carpets and other fixtures and fittings.

We (Bedford Removals And Storage) may charge an additional fee towards the removal of additional fridges, freezers and chemical materials such as household paint and oils due to restrictions regarding disposal of these items.

House / Waste Clearance Jobs are not written/submitted into the diary or system until you (The Client) specifically confirms that House / Waste Clearance is “booked”. At this point we (Bedford Removals And Storage) will book in no other House / Waste Clearance for the date in question, and we (Bedford Removals And Storage) will not book in House / Waste Clearances on adjoining days which would mean that we (Bedford Removals And Storage) would not be able to undertake your (The Client) House / Waste Clearance job as agreed between us (Bedford Removals And Storage) and you (The Client).

If you (The client) decide you (The Client) no longer want us (Bedford Removals And Storage) to carry out the House / Waste Clearance once we (Bedford Removals And Storage) have arrived at the property you (The Client) will be charged half the price (50%) quoted to clear the property which will cover our (Bedford Removals And Storage) staff wages and fuel costs. When we (Bedford Removals And Storage) “book” your (The Client) House / Waste Clearance into our (Bedford Removals And Storage) diary or system we keep that date or dates free for you (The Client) that could otherwise be allocated or giving to another client.

If we (Bedford Removals And Storage) cannot fulfil the appointment to clear your (The Client) property we will give you (The Client) 48 hours notice. If we cannot fulfil the appointment to clear your (The Client) property on the actual day of the House / Waste Clearance we will inform you on the actual day. We (Bedford Removals And Storage) will only ever cancel or postpone a House / Waste Clearance due to severe weather, illness or injury to any of our (Bedford Removals And Storage) staff or if our (Bedford Removals And Storage) vehicle is broken down or inoperable.

We (Bedford Removals And Storage) reserve the right to walk away from any House / Waste Clearance “booked” at any point during the House / Waste Clearance process if we (Bedford Removals And Storage) deem the property unsafe, hazardous, reveals a conflict of interest or if you (The Client) become violent, abusive or someone we feel that we (Bedford Removals And Storage) cannot work alongside to clear the property. We (Bedford Removals And Storage) cannot be held liable for any House / Waste Clearance not completed in full or part by ourselves (Bedford Removals And Storage).

Preferably, the House / Waste Clearance fee becomes payable on the day of booking. Once we are on site, it becomes immediately due in full. We cannot remove any goods until this requirement has been met. We (Bedford Removals And Storage) require payment by either cash or direct payment in to our bank account.

Once payment has been received a full invoice will either be texted to you (The Client), or via e-mail as again supplied by you (The Client). We (Bedford Removals And Storage) will only supply one invoice. If you (The Client) require any additional invoices please submit your (The Client) request via e-mail to us (

Our (Bedford Removals) Personal Guarantee To You (The Client)

We (Bedford Removals And Storage) based on the information supplied by you (The Client) will give you (The Client) a full quote for the House / Waste Clearance and any additional fees prior to the “booking” of the House / Waste Clearance.

We (Bedford Removals And Storage) guarantee the quote provided and any additional fees outlined will be the maximum you (The Client) will pay for the House / Waste Clearance after the completion of the House / Waste Clearance where all terms have been agreed.

We (Bedford Removals And Storage) guarantee our staff will be fully uniformed and equipped with the necessary tools, equipment and PPE to carry out the House / Waste Clearance.

We (Bedford Removals And Storage) guarantee to take away up to (but not exceeding more than unless otherwise discussed and agreed) 1 tonnes of household items where described and instructed by you (The Client) to be recycled, donated to charity and disposed of in a legal and environmentally friendly way where possible.

We (Bedford Removals And Storage) guarantee to keep you (The Client) informed at all times regarding every aspect of the House / Waste Clearance process and costs.

Bedford Removals And Storage reserves the right to amend or change these Terms & Conditions at any time.

Whole agreement

The terms and conditions together with our quotation are intended to form the whole agreement between us and to prevail over any verbal discussions. Should we mutually agree to any variation of these terms such variation should be confirmed in writing. Therefore by allowing Bedford Removals And Storage to undertake any work, you will be agreeing to our terms and conditions unless otherwise stated in writing.


This contract is subject to the laws of England and Wales.

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